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Please Support The Farnham Foodbank This Christmas

Please Support The Farnham Foodbank This Christmas

David Morley22 Nov 2023 - 07:55
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Collection Point at the Coffee Can in the Bourne Green Pavilion

Hi All!

We are running another food collection for Farnham Foodbank this year, in partnership with the Coffee Can at the Bourne Green Pavilion. They are now collecting food donations for Christmas hampers, which will be delivered throughout December. They have been specific about they items that they would like to be donated:

* Mince pies
* Christmas puddings
* Christmas cake
* Selection boxes
* Chocolates
* Biscuits
* Instant custard

Please donate to this very worthy cause if you can - and feel free to spread the word!

Find out more about the Farnham Foodbank here and The Coffee Can on the Green here - including opening times.

Further reading