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A word from our Principal Partner …Saltus

A word from our Principal Partner …Saltus

David Morley16 Mar 2023 - 08:06
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5 money “must dos” before the 22/23 tax year ends on 5th April

Saltus have proudly supported the Bourne Blades FC since 2021 as Principal Partner Sponsors (Initially as “Fish Saltus”, following the marriage of Farnham-based Fish Financial Ltd with Saltus Partners LLP) and are experts in wealth management, investments and financial planning, providing a comprehensive range of services to individuals and business owners.

So please make sure you take a couple of minutes to watch their short, informative video giving 5 money “must dos” before the 2022/23 tax year ending on 5th April:

To find out more, or to arrange a complementary, local consultation please contact Mark Turnbull directly on 01252 931264 or 07833 258353 or or visit

Saltus Partners LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under FCA number 402531

Further reading